We work every day to bring you fresh and healthy products: that’s our biggest commitment.


We only ship organic and European seasonal products.

We want to deliver fresh, organic, European seasonal products with minimum impact on the environment.  This is the only way to bring the most sustainable products to your home.  This is what makes consuming Finca La Salada agricultural products not just a new way of buying food, but also an exciting taste experience and a fresh delight with every box of fruit you receive at home.

We harvest respecting the optimum point of ripeness and no delay in preparing for shipping.

This is one of the fundamental principles at Finca La Salada. We know our fruits, their different varieties, the plots that reach maturity earlier or later. We take care of every detail when harvesting the fruits, we are not in a hurry, we know when the optimal moment is due and it is only a matter of waiting to fulfill one of our main objectives: to harvest our Finca La Salada fruits for you at the right time.

We do not use any type of plastic in our shipping packaging.

We’re always being told to stop using plastic in fruit packing, well now’s the time to start!  At Finca La Salada, we only use recycled and recyclable cardboard and paper to prepare our shipments.

We don’t use any kind of post-harvest treatment.
Freshness is our only secret.

At Finca La Salada, we don’t use any kind of post-harvest treatment. Freshness and harvesting at the right time for shipment is another one of our commitments to you. The only way to enjoy fresh produce is to let things happen naturally. You’ll receive the fruit at home just as it was on the tree: it’s as simple as that, and it’s as good as that.

Food safety and your health is our main commitment.

Organic production isn’t easy: it’s a major challenge to adapt the fertilization of our plants and to deal with the various health problems of our crops following the protocols of organic agriculture of the European Union, because of the important limitations that it entails. But, as everything in life, every effort has its reward.  The satisfaction of seeing the results in our crops in the form of fruits produced according to these demanding criteria and what it means to offer our customers safe, healthy and tasty fruits, makes us firmly believe in our project and be part of a sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture.

We only ship the highest quality fruit, anything under that is used for by-products or as nutritional compost for our fields.

We are aware that trees produce a percentage of defective or very low caliber fruits and at Finca La Salada, we use these second quality fruits to produce other types of by-products, such as our wonderful cocoa and avocado cream, for which we use low caliber avocados or avocados that have a defect, making them unfit to make the trip to your home.

We also use damaged fruits and leftover skins to make compost, which we use as fertilizer. At Finca La Salada we are in favour of not wasting food and we also have the perfect way to use it, because we want to send fruits to your home of the highest quality in every way.

Food safety and your health is our main commitment.

Organic production isn’t easy: it’s a major challenge to adapt the fertilization of our plants and to deal with the various health problems of our crops following the protocols of organic agriculture of the European Union, because of the important limitations that it entails. But, as everything in life, every effort has its reward.  The satisfaction of seeing the results in our crops in the form of fruits produced according to these demanding criteria and what it means to offer our customers safe, healthy and tasty fruits, makes us firmly believe in our project and be part of a sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture.

If something goes wrong in the shipping process and your order hasn’t arrived in the desired conditions, don't worry: our customer service department will provide you with the solution that best suits your needs.

We guarantee that we put the maximum care in each shipment, but circumstances beyond our control may occur, such as the loss or breakage of a package.

We are aware that something can go wrong… we make it our job to do everything we can with the utmost care, because we want consuming Finca La Salada products to be a positive experience for you and to generate a bond based on trust.

So if something goes wrong, just let us know and you can trust we are ready to rectify the problem.

The result of our efforts is reflected in the delicious taste and excellent quality of all Finca La Salada products. Visit our shop, place an order and you’ll see, you’ll be back for more!

Featured products

Featured products

Box 4Kg Avocado Eco

Minimum water consumption; ecological, European and…

Box 8Kg Eco Orange

Essence of the lands of Valencia.

Eco Gourmet Box

Ideal for tasting our different organic delicacies.